Portable axial

Parsafan Axial Portable Fan and its application in various industries has led to the design and production of various types of this type of portable fan. In the simplest category of portable fan, the types of portable or mobile fans can be classified into two main groups: portable fan with person and portable fan with crane.


Portable axial  fan

A portable fan, also called a mobile fan, is a technique that can be moved and transported quickly by a person or conventional means of transportation. The big advantage of a portable fan is that it does not need to be opened from a special position after finishing work or installation on a special part before operation. The portable fan is mostly removable by one or two people.

Types of Parsafan Axial Portable Fans in terms of appearance

Parsafan Axial Portable Fan and its application in various industries has led to the design and production of various types of this type of portable fan. In the simplest category of portable fan, the types of portable or mobile fans can be classified into two main groups: portable fan with person and portable fan with crane. Since the maximum permissible load that can be moved by one person from the point of view of Industrial Safety and Health (HSE) is about 25 kg, so the boundary between light and heavy portable fans is about 25 kg for one person and about 50 kg for 2 people . However, in many cases, the situation requires that the portable fan be designed and operated much lighter.
Parsafan light portable fans are in two forms. These two categories are:
1- Lightweight portable fan with handle and base
2. Simple portable fan with handle and wheels

Portable fan with handle and base:

It shows its main application at the industry level. Because tank ventilation or equipment cooling operations may be required at any floor or height. Therefore, workers can easily take the portable fan handle in the industrial site, stairs and move it to the desired location.

 Simple portable fan with handle and wheels

They are very popular among firefighters. The wheeled nature of this portable fan helps a lot to be moved by firefighters.

Types of Parsa Fan portable fans in terms of performance

Parsafan Portable Ventilation fan is very popular as a suitable and removable device in ventilation of different places. The performance of portable fans causes them to be classified into different groups. These categories are:

A) Positive pressure portable fan (portable blower fan)

In a portable blower or positive pressure fan, only the exhaust air of the fan can be used. This allows the portable blower fan to be used in two different ways. In the first case, it is possible to connect to the outlet of the fan of a flexible air tube fan and transfer the flow in the canal direction to the desired direction. In another form, using a portable blower fan, you can control and direct the fan to direct the flow of it in the desired direction and to remove the smoke and force it to exit from other directions, valves and windows on the opposite side. This operation is possible due to the positive pressure created by the high pressure output current.
The positive pressure portable fan, which is usually also wheeled, has a fully controllable handle so that the user is located behind the fan and controls and commands the fan by having the handle. The Propulsion of portable positive pressure fans is often a gasoline or diesel engine located behind the impeller. This causes the suction current to be drawn into the fan from around the motor and access to the suction port is lost and it is not possible to install the air hose pipe to the suction port.

B) Positive pressure and negative pressure (portable blower and suction fan)

Axial portable fan can be powered by an electric motor. In this case, the design can be such that the electric motor is placed inside a tubular body. This causes the airflow to be sucked into the fan from one side and out from the other side. Therefore, by installing a flexible air duct to the suction port, the negative pressure of the portable fan can be exploited and transferred to the desired point. On the other hand, by installing a flexible duct to the mouth of the tail, positive pressure, smoke or sucked gas can be sent to another point and discharged there. Because it is possible to use both blowing and suction properties of the fan, this type of fan is known as a portable suction blower. If the portable fan is of the centrifuge type, in addition to the electric motor, an internal combustion engine can also be used. Because the suction valve is located on the opposite side of the engine and the tail valve is located on its side.
There is another type of portable centrifugal fan in ParsaFan Company with an electric motor, which, although it is both a blower and a sucker, uses only its blowing properties. This type of fan is known among firefighters as “inhale”. Its main use is high-pressure ventilation into deep wells that have fallen during rescue operations.
Portable fan or axial current suction blower (axial) is the most common and widely used type of portable fan that is used and accepted in both industry and firefighting. The cause can be found in low volume and weight along with flow and high pressure compared to other types of portable fans.

Technical Specifications


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