Arm hood

ParsaFan Tahvieh Company, for the first time in Iran, based on its experience and technical knowledge, designed and produced arm hoods. The access radius of this hood is 2.5 meters. It is made of high quality aluminum profiles and pneumatic jacks, which can also be customized. . This hood has the ability to use additional booms to increase the length of access. For quick and easy access, the joints and profiles of this hood are installed outside the pipe.

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Arm hood:

Due to the fact that in order to collect pollution from the work environment (welding, cutting, masonry) and any kind of pollution from the production process that has a specific source, it is better to use a local ventilation system to remove pollution from the source of pollution, Transferred from the workplace. And since this process is mostly not located at a fixed point in the work environment, therefore, it is not possible to use a special workbench or fixed hoods. In this regard, ParsaFan Tahvieh Company,according to the needs of this sector, has designed and produced arm hoods with a rotation radius of 2.5 meters.
ParsaFan Tahvieh Company, for the first time in Iran, based on its experience and technical knowledge, designed and produced arm hoods. The access radius of this hood is 2.5 meters. It is made of high quality aluminum profiles and pneumatic jacks, which can also be customized. . This hood has the ability to use additional booms to increase the length of access. For quick and easy access, the joints and profiles of this hood are installed outside the pipe.

Arm hood function

The function of the arm hood is based on the fact that by creating a local pressure difference, it will cause the exit or purification of vapors, gases or particles produced in the working environment.

Arm hood applications

  • Suitable for discharging various types of air pollution and can be used in laboratories of schools, hospitals, pharmaceutical industries, beauty salons and light industrial applications.
  • Primarily suitable for discharging highly concentrated corrosive contaminants and can be used in special laboratories and pharmaceutical and chemical industries
  • Suitable for discharging air pollution in environments where there is a risk of sparks and in environments that require ESD (static electricity discharge) certification; Like the electrical industry
  • Suitable for evacuating air pollution in environments that require ATEX classification and can be used in laboratories, chemical and petrochemical industries, gas distribution, paint and pharmaceutical industries.

Length increase boom

Due to the fact that in many cases the performance radius of 2.5 meters does not meet the needs of consumers, ParsaFan Tahvieh Company designed and produced additional single-joint and double-joint length canvases.
The length boom produced by ParsaFan Ventilation Company is for use in places that need to cover a radius of up to 8 meters. The standard hood produced by this company has the ability to cover a radius of 2.5 meters.

Types of arm hoods

  • Industrial arm hood

Industrial arm hoods are used in industrial environments such as industrial welding and machine building where the volume of pollutants is high.
These hoods are classified based on the material, length and diameter of the arm as well as the type of cap and the type of contaminants. The distinctive features of these hoods are very high suction power, very low pressure drop along the arm, and in some types of high heat resistance, no static electricity and also explosion-proof properties.
Depending on the design, this type of hood can be easily placed anywhere without the need for any device with the shortest distance from the place of contamination, and after the suction device is turned on, the contaminant is transferred out of the environment. Give or return clean air using a filter.
  • Laboratory arm hood

Laboratory arm hoods are used for pharmaceutical laboratories, schools, universities, hospitals, electrical industries and beauty salons.
Some of these hoods can be added to other in-laboratory ventilation systems such as fume hoods.
Advantages of arm hood:
  • The most important advantage of these systems is the immediate disposal and suction of contaminants at the work site before entering the workspace or contacting the face and body of users.
  • Flexibility and the ability to rotate 360 degrees
  • Elimination of toxins and toxic fumes from chemicals.
  • Built in three models: aluminum, antistatic and anti-acid PP
  • Ability to calculate pressure drop and system efficiency
  •  different sizes depending on the type of application

Technical Specifications


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