Ducted Axial

The ParsaFan axial duct fan works in the same way that an airplane wing works to lift off the ground. The wing of the plane has the shape of an aero foil that as it moves forward, the air is directed up and down the wing. The air above the wing has more space to move than the air below the wing, which leads to a difference in air velocity above and below the wing. The higher the airflow above the wing, the higher the dynamic force, which leads to a lower static pressure. Under the wing, the air moves more slowly, which means lower dynamic force and higher static pressure. The difference between high pressure under the wing and low pressure above it causes it to fly.


  In-line duct fans are used to transmit air through ventilation ducts. Depending on the structure and type of body, they can have different parameters. The variety of products available in the market makes it possible to do almost any project using ready-made solutions from different manufacturers. Parsafan ducts can be divided into axial and radial by making the fan.

In ParsaFan axial fans, the largest share of energy transferred in the gas is a kinetic component that means high air losses but leads to low ambient compression. To increase the density, some manufacturers offer reverse current axial fans. For two fans that rotate in opposite directions, they stand on a common body with separate drives. Due to the location of the drive inside the gas stream, axial fans are designed to transport air with low dust and medium temperature.

The second type of ParsaFan linear duct fans are radial fans. Compared to axial ventilators fans, they offer much higher compression at similar capacities. These types of fans are used in long ventilation and branch installations. Their disadvantages include more complex construction that leads to higher prices.

How the axial duct ventilator of ParsaFan Ventilation Company works

The ParsaFan axial duct fan works in the same way that an airplane wing works to lift off the ground. The wing of the plane has the shape of an aero foil that as it moves forward, the air is directed up and down the wing. The air above the wing has more space to move than the air below the wing, which leads to a difference in air velocity above and below the wing. The higher the airflow above the wing, the higher the dynamic force, which leads to a lower static pressure. Under the wing, the air moves more slowly, which means lower dynamic force and higher static pressure. The difference between high pressure under the wing and low pressure above it causes it to fly.
In axial duct ventilation, we also use a impeller blade that is like an aero foil. But instead of the blades flying, we rotate the aerator blades on a stable axis, which creates airflow. This is because of Newton’s third law of motion, which is that there is an equal and opposite reaction to every action. The air on top of the aero foil is drawn into the ventilator by reducing the static pressure and then exits the ventilator, creating a positive pressure zone.

How the axial duct ventilator of ParsaFan Company ,works

The operating system of the ParsaFan axial duct fan is almost similar to the performance of an aircraft engine when taking off from the ground. In fact, when the aircraft is moving forward, the airflow shifts up and down the wings of the aircraft.

Our axial duct fan also has plane-like blades, except that instead of the blades flying, the blades rotate on a stable axis; This creates airflow. This is derived from physics and Newton’s third law, the law of action and reaction.

Installation of Parsafan ducted axial fan
To direct the airflow and achieve the desired performance, we use a plate mounted with a bell-shaped inlet cone to connect the smooth laminar flow to the suction of the ventilator. The ParsaFan axial duct fan is kept centrally in the installed chamber to maintain the distance between the fan and the bell-like opening.
There are other ways to install our axial duct fan. One of them is to put it in a simple diaphragm hole or in a short radius. But these installation methods overshadow and reduce the performance of the ventilator. Using a plate mounted with an bell-shaped inlet cone, we can be sure that the ventilator will perform at its best.
The installation position of the axial duct fan will affect its performance. Placing a vent at the inlet and blowing into the chamber is one of the options we can consider.
Features of ParsaFan Ventilation Axial Duct Ventilator:
  • Parsa Fan Axial Duct Fan is suitable for many applications that require high current at low static pressure.
  • Our company axial duct fan is used for general ventilation and cooling.
  • Impellers move directly.
  • ParsaFan Axial Duct Cooling Ventilators are used for cooling in areas with high heat volume.
  • Axial duct fans have an adjustable motor base.
  • The axial duct fan works in different conditions in each situation.
  • Many shafts
  • Axial duct ventilation is constructed in such a way that it is spark resistant.
The price of Parsa Fan axial duct fan varies according to its dimensions, quality and brand.

Technical Specifications


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